Little pots appear out of nothing but a lump of soft clay while Rosette explains what's so special about clay. Clip from a 1991 Video Documentary of Rosette Gault "Touch of Earth" made at Banff Centre for the Arts by Tracy Bacenas.
A human figure emerges- or seems to- during the making process
Watch Rosette transform thin slabs of soft wet porcelain into vessels with eggshell porcelain - which are translucent when fired. See another method she developed for stretching soft clay to get special organic textures impossible any other way (which was part of her MFA work 1977) In reality this process of building took days for slow drying to avoid cracks and weeks... but in video time you see fast forward how it happens in minutes.
Also from a 1991 Video Documentary of Rosette Gault "Touch of Earth" made at Banff Centre for the Arts by Tracy Bacenas.
See what can happen inside nano porous forms of eco-friendly paperclay when water, fluid or air flow through.
Water can be cleaned.... and much more to help the environment and medicine. This was just one of Rosette's animated visions. Paperclay can be formed in any shape desired. Learn more.