When Sky Meets Water (Watercolor) 10 x 8 on arches (2022) see <more dreamspace>

 Selected Rosette Gault quotes:
Rites of passage soul's mirror leave a trail of transformation which is as ugly-beautiful as a glimpse of Fortune's Rock.
Just as light changes as earth turns, so also does my perception gently move with each subsequent moment.  
A work of art can be like a presence and seem to have a life of its own though I'm not fooled by the illusion and the mystery of Creator's creations.
Art can be a chance for insight with spotlight of awareness, a domesticated form of imagination, a sweet fruit of perception, a simple potter's vessel, a refuge, and  points always to intelligence and love beyond. 

Explore a musical painting infused with the dreamy spirit of possibilities.  Click image to hear and see the animated musical painted version

Senses become more acute and breathing opens more light inside the mind. Memory and imagination meet.

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